MISA Prairies is looking for municipal speakers (employees of a municipality) with innovative solutions, stories, and lessons learned to share at the annual conference.
The conference committee will evaluate your proposal for fit in either the 30-minute municipal breakout session or the coveted 15-minute municipal showcase presentations.
Proposal Evaluations
All submissions are considered according to the following criteria:
*Municipal breakout sessions are strictly for municipal members only. Municipal breakout sessions preclude vendors co-presenting alongside municipalities. Municipalities are welcome to mention vendor partners in their presentation.
Suggested Topics:
Marketing and Promotion:
All presenters must provide a photo and short bio, which will be used throughout the promotion cycle leading up to the conference.
Presenters must be willing to share their presentations. Presentations will be shared with the MISA Prairie's membership. Final presentations are to be provided one week prior to the conference.
*Presenters must bring their own laptops and adaptors.