MISA Prairies will be photographing and may be videotaping this event. By registering to attend this event, you consent to MISA Prairies’ use, publishing and distribution of any images or other recordings from the event for the following purposes, (provided that MISA Prairies’ use, publishing and distribution of such does not willfully attempt to subject, ridicule or any other indignity as part of any description of the event published by MISA Prairies)
- inclusion in any marketing or other promotional materials relating to MISA Prairies
- display by MISA Prairies at its premises and its events
- any purpose reasonably ancillary to these purposes
MISA Prairies will share your business contact information with vendors.
If you do not wish MISA Prairies to use, publish or distribute images or other recordings of you from the event, or provide your business contact information to vendors, you must advise MISA Prairies via email
carol.melnychuk@misaprairies.ca with a cc to events@misaprairies.ca prior to the event.